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As one of the oldest among the cousins, Hibbs was the focus of his aunts' and uncles' attention. When the Vietnam War came along, they assumed that the right thing to do was to go off and fight. But Hibbs went off to Cornell instead, and they were nonetheless proud. They believed that the purpose of attending a good university was to learn good mannershow to wear a suit, sip wine, and hold a knife and fork in just the correct style. For Hibbs it did not work out that way. He joined the rebellion of the time, and when he returned home on break, he ate with his fingers and flaunted his long hair.

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The nine elements described by Colman 2007 served as an analytical framework for considering the various semiotic resources used in Dragonology and The Discovery of Dragons. The nine elements include: 1 amount of madeup material, 2 the amount of information, 3 simple or complex structures, 4 amount of narrative text, 5 amount of expository text, 6 use of literary devices, 7 authors voice, 8 amount of front and back peritextual matter, and 9 amounts of visual material. Each of these elements will be addressed in this discussion, and some challenges to Colmans distinctions presented by these two picturebooks will be offered. The first element, the amount of made up material these two picturebooks contain, seems a rather straight forward analysis. Since the material is about dragons, and dragons are imaginary, all of the material is made up. However, what is not addressed by this simplistic distinction is how the made up matter is presented.

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In the introduction of the article the success of the Apple iPhone is highlighted. When the iPhone was first released in 2007 Apple was a very small player in the phone manufacturing industry, but by 2015 the iPhone was singlehandedly generating 92% of all the profits in the industry. The authors attribute this success to Apples intelligent view of what a mobile phone is. While other phone manufacturers saw mobile phones as just products with a certain amount of features that may or may not be innovative, Apple considered the iPhone to be a platform and focused on building a community around it instead. The iPhone was used by Apple to create a two sided platform, bringing producers and consumers together in one place. Enabling Apple to take advantage of network effects. By doing so platform business models can be a destructive force to traditional, or as the authors of this paper prefer to call them, pipeline business models. When we consider disruptive platform businesses we tend to quickly think about disruptive startups such as Airbnb and Uber. However, the Apple iPhone was just as disruptive to the phone manufacturing industry as Airbnb and Uber were to their respective industries. The authors identify three key shifts a successful platform has to make from a traditional business model. First platforms need to identify that its most valuable resources are likely not tangible assets, but intangible assets.

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But I have to agree with Ishan that there are limits to the usefulness of original reporting when it comes to Structured Stories. For example, in a traditional story, catching Josh Mohrer in a lie could have been the hook the splashy headline that made being there in person so valuable. But in the structured story, his false claim was just another small event alongside the two dozen or so from the day. Was that single event worth the hours at City Hall?Or should I have spent a fraction of that time gleaning events from other sources accounts, even if it meant missing Mohrers misstatement?The tension between efficiency and in person reporting is by no means unique to our project. Still, the calculation is different when the end product is not an article, but chains of events. If efficiency is measured in the number of events I write for Structured Stories, then my hour and a half at the Citizens Union meeting was more or less wasted. At the annual meeting of the civic watchdog group, I watched the characters I had read about earlier that day including Manhattans District Attorney and Brooklyns president engage in heated discussion about subjects such as discriminatory police stops and how best to prosecute police implicated in the killing of civilians. I realized the meeting had the right components including colorful characters, conflict and compelling statistics to make a lively news story. If I had been writing a traditional article, I would have begun with the story of the main speaker, Brooklyns president Eric Adams, a fierce NYPD reform advocate who was a member of the department for 22 years. A line from his speech would have made a strong lead quote: When you something you want to make it as good as it can be. I am not against Quality of Life policing.

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