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She will be acting as the hostess for an in store event: the premiere of the launch of a new brand of ice cream in the US. The role is a 20 to 30 year old who can relate to and advise her targeted audience. The costume for the premiere event is a size Large, custom branded gold dress. Models sizes 0 8 should be able to wear this dress; smaller sizes may need to wear a belt with the dress. BOISE, ID AUDITIONS FOR FILM A FLUSH OF HEARTSClear as Mudd Films will be holding open auditions for the upcoming feature length film, A Flush of Hearts. shooting this summer. The film, is about a young man who hits the streets of Las Vegas to get money for his sister who has fallen ill with cancer. He meets Ace an amateur poker player and quickly finds himself in the underground poker scene. Jason finds out that Ace is on the run from a loan shark. The to unlikely friends end up in the card game of their lives where the stakes are much more important than money. Idaho WW2 Submarine film CALL FOR WWII SUBMARINE FILMStudents and faculty of the Film School at NNU are in the process of building a full size mockup of the control room of a WWII submarine for an upcoming short film.

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Make education available to all appropriate levels, stressing birth control practices and the need to stabilize the population. pp. 317 318, Keith MurrayExplore other social structures and marriage forms, such as group marriage and polyandrous marriage, which provide family life but may produce less children. Share the pleasure of raising children widely, so that all need not directly reproduce to enter into this basic human experience. We must hope that no one woman would give birth to more than one child. p.

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, M. Phil. , B. Ed. , Ph. D. card from the RUConnection Office must be shown to the librarian to take books out from any University library. NOTE: Some journals and other reference materials are not allowed to leave the library. If you need to make a copy, a "Copy Card" is required to operate the library machine. Upon request, Administrator in Hill 334, will issue such cards to you. If she is unavailable please ask the staff members in either Hill 310 or Hill 312 for assistance.

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Some fungi have developed radiotropism: They direct their growth to sources of radioactivity!The Matsutake Worlds Research Group Tim Choy, Lieba Faier, Michael Hathaway, Miyako Inoue, Shiho Satsuka, and myself was convened in 2005 to take up some of the issues raised in this essay. For some of the worlds we have had the privilege to peek into, seeThis website is designed to share trusted resources used or developed by Wisconsin Extension Financial Education professionals. It is designed to help people make sound financial choices in tough times. All materials are free for personal use. The UW has Extension financial educators who can help you find resources and come up with a personal plan. Find contact information for Extension financial educator by clicking on this link. You can also contact your local Extension office for more information. Click here to find your Extension office. If you would like to talk to a financial or housing counselor about your situation, click here for the National Foundation for Credit Counseling NFCC website or call 833 746 7577. NFCC is a network of nonprofit consumer credit counseling agencies that provide services online and over the phone. Cutting Back and Keeping Up When Money is Tight Whether its due to a drop in income, a big unexpected expense, or the cost of everyday living overtaking your paycheck, there are steps you can take to get a handle on your finances and your financial stress.

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This one pager from the Democracy at Work Institute and the National Urban League provides a succinct summary of the benefits that employee ownership provides to employees, businesses, and local economies. Noting that the number of minority owned businesses is increasing but that many of these businesses lack a succession plan, the info sheet highlights the opportunity to help these businesses convert to employee ownership to retain jobs and stabilize communities. A historical legacy of displacement and exclusion, firmly rooted in racism and discriminatory public policy, has fundamentally restricted access to land and housing and shaped ownership dynamics, particularly for people of color and low income communities. Today, many communities across the country are facing new threats of instability, unaffordability, disempowerment, and displacement due to various economic, demographic, and cultural changes that are putting increased pressure on land and housing resources. Anchor institutions can play a key role in helping the low income communities they serve by better aligning their institutional resourceslike hiring, purchasing, investment, and volunteer basewith the needs of those of communities. The recommendations in this playbook, drawn from research carried out to help Rush University Medical Center RUMC align around its Anchor Mission, are being published to help other hospitals and health systems accelerate their own efforts to drive institutional alignment with community needs. Since the group's founding in the mid 1980s, LIIF has provided capital and technical assistance totaling $1. 5 billion, which in turn leveraged an additional $6 billion, broadening economic opportunity for 1. 7 million people. LIIF's investments helped to create 174,000 units of low income and special needs housing, 243,000 childcare spaces, and 72,000 educational facilities. How investments in the green infrastructure needed for climate resiliency can be leveraged to build community wealth with worker cooperatives and social enteprises.

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